Greenley Plan Downloads

John Greenfield has kindly allowed permission for the excellent Greenley range of model plans to be made available for download on the LMA Website. Please click on the picture to dowload the file. For more information on these excellent aircraft please click on the link below.

Click here for more information on the Greenley family of aircraft

Greenley & Lowley Fuselage Plan

Lowley Built-Up 2 Piece Wing

Lowley Built-Up 1 Piece Wing

Greenley & Lowley Fuselage Plan

Greenley Built-Up 2 Piece Wing

Greenley Built-Up 1 Piece Wing

SD Greenley TUG Fuselage Plan

SD Greenley Built-Up 2 Piece Wing

SD Greenley Built-Up 1 Piece Wing

SDD Greenley Fuselage Plan

SDD Greenley Built-Up Wing

Ampley with Foam Wing

Ampley Built-Up Wing Plan












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