Cosford 2006

A set of photographs and comments from Keith Mitchell form this most excellent of LMA shows.


Perhaps the most elegant slot of the whole weekend was that of the formation aerobatics by Ali Machinsky and Dave Stephens. Beautifully and harmoniously flown.


Gudjon Olafsson, one of the Icelandic contingent of LMA Members attending flew his beautiful 1/3 scale Sopwith Pup. From the Balsa USA kit, Gudjon has improved it’s fidelity with more accurate outer wing sections and U/C from the Mick Reeves kit. Powered by a Moki 45 it weighs 15kg and has 10 flights to date.


Gudjon’s lovely Pup on climbout.


Tony Nijhuis’ almost venerable 1/6th scale electric Lanc’ still looks very good in the year. Forerunner of almost a squadron utilising IC engines in the not too distant future; watch this space ——-!


Cosford 2006 was the formal LMA debut of Ted Allison’s lovely 1/4 scale DH Hornet. Powered by two 3w 60’s – one contra-rotating – it is certainly very photogenic in the air. Sadly it was one of the few casualties of the event when engines went off song on take-off and the model flicked-in from around 20’. Thankfully, it is repairable.


A very fine example of large-scale modelling at it’s best, John Rickett’s 29% scale Chrislea Super Ace is a particularly fine rendition – and it should be as the modeller owns and flies the full-size ( only 2 are left flying in the world from an original production run of 16)!


The Chrislea has been given ‘the works’ in the cockpit. Note the car steering wheel for lateral control, a unique feature of the prototype.


Ian Turney White’s magnificent 50% Bristol Bulldog got in some impressive flights over the weekend.


First season for Chairman, Dave Johnson’s gorgeous Airbus 320 in the colours of KLM. Magnificent flyer, Dave says it’s an absolute floater.


Fast and low with the Airbus, the aircraft has a very spirited performance on it’s derated TJT’s (22lb thrust), weight 85lb.


The Hercules Syndicate had another splendid weekend with their very impressive Hercy Bird. Model now has well over 100 flights on the clock.


Steve Bishop and Dave Stephens flew an excllent duo’ slot with their 1/5th Scale Jet Provosts. Magnificent flyers just like their full-size counterparts the model is to be kitted in the near future.


Another debutant model was Dave Horton’s 50% version of the rarely – if ever – modelled Fokker-Platz V17e monoplane. Utilisling the fuz’ from Dave’s previous Triplane, this museum-standard model weighs a colossal 220lb!


The Fokker-Platz needs all the oomph from it s Weslake 350cc engine on s somewhat – and scale – climbout. However, disaster struck when the motor seized towards the end of the flight but pilot Dave Johnson masterly got the aircraft back home.


Perhaps the fastest – and most difficult aircraft to photograph – was Mark Leaversley’s F104 Starfighter. A real hotrod made to look easy in Mark’s very capable hands.


Scale jets featured very strongly in the event. Ali Machinski’s beautiful Grumman F9F Cougar was flown magnificently by the owner. Remarkable performance from it’s Jetcat 160 and 38lb AUW. Model has all the trimmings including scale airbrakes demonstrated to good effect in this picture.


Unbelievably hot weather resulted in 34C temp’s on the Sunday. Commentator Colin Hammond takes cover under an Englishman’s improvised summer titfa’ – a knotted hankie!!


The President, Sir John Willis, presented a decanter to John Francis, Manager of Cosford’s RAF Museum on the occasion of his retirement. The event would not have succeeded without his staunch support for the 14 years since it started.


The Association also paid tribute to the magnificent efforts of Arthur Searl without whom the event would never have started, flourished and grown to one of the biggest large model events in Europe. The President presented him with a carriage clock as a small token of the appreciation of the LMA membership. How sad to record that we lost this great man a short time later in August.


A very colourful STOL Pilatus returning after another successful flight.


This rarely modelled DH Canada ‘ Snowbird’ is a very attractive model of the Canadian jet trainer. Flew very nicely in the capable hands of Mathew Bishop.


Now a regular feature at all Cosfords, the ‘Big Bombers’ await their slot which is a particular favourite with the crowds.

Here is another fabulous set of photographs from Cosford 2006, this time taken by Tim Maggs, covering yet more aircraft from the fabulous weekend we had. I’m grateful to Tim Maggs for providing these. Provide your own captions!

Please click image to enlarge.

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