Much Marcle 2010

LMA Much Marcle2010 Tony Hooper, All Photographs were provided by Neil Hutchinson

LMA_MG_8714How good it was to be back to this show again after all the cancellations over the last few years – Bernard and his Hereford Model Club team must have been “biting their nails” leading up to the start of this show and monitoring the weather forecasts on a daily basis! Thankfully, the weather on Saturday was particularly good with hardly any wind and “wall to wall” sunshine” which all helped to make it a very pleasurable time at this very picturesque site. It was also encouraging to see a very good selection of traders after the all the logistic issues that they had to endure following the cancellation of previous shows over the last few years.

One of the big issues on Saturday morning was the continuous interference that was present on the 35Mhz frequency and after several incidents which were attributed to this problem it was decided to withdraw aircraft on this frequency band in the interest of safety. This was disappointing for some members – particularly those who had travelled some distance ( I was one of them) – and the show organisers were extremely sorry for having to make this difficult decision.

It was fortunate that many show fliers have now changed to 2.4Ghz and there is no doubt that the traders selling this frequency did very well as a number of modellers which had aircraft under the 20kg Exemption level purchased 2.4 Ghz on the Saturday so that they could fly on the Sunday after test flying on Saturday evening!
It is an issue that the LMA Committee will be addressing over the winter period.

The weather on Sunday was a little disappointing with frequent showers which interrupted the continuity of the show but there was still a good public attendance and both the Hereford Club and the LMA felt the whole event was a great success.

Much Marcle 2010 pleasurable time at this very picturesque site.

Please click image to enlarge.

Come hail rain or shine the LMA are a hardy bunch they won’t let a little thing like rain stop them.

One of the Stars of our show circuit the one and only Robbie Skipton doing what he does best.

Richard Rawle & Sharon Stiles put on a superb display despite one of the key players was missing in this trio (Hope it doesn’t get too hot out there for you in your new job Steve)

From Left to right, Emily Hopper’s, Super Duper Greenly, Mid Air Mike Eccles-Skipton and the Genesis and Dave Parry’s, Sky-120

The Dawn Patrol put on a great display, this fleet just keeps getting bigger.

de Havilland Mosquito, Richard Rawle

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