Incident Reporting
If you have had a model aircraft related incident, it is a condition of the LMA Article 16 authorisation that reports are made.
If an incident occurs, fill in the LMA reporting form and we’ll guide you through the process and in most cases do the reporting for you.

Article 16 Authorisation
& LMA Handbook
The LMA holds an operating authorisation from the CAA that covers the model aircraft flying activities of all members.
The LMA Handbook gives guidance on how to fly legally and safely.

Over 25kg Scheme
If you plan to build and fly a model aircraft in the UK of any type which weighs over 25kg MTOM then it is mandatory (a requirement of the Civil Aviation Authority) that the aircraft is built, inspected and flight proven using the over 25kg scheme operated by the Large Model Association on behalf of the CAA.

Proficiency Scheme
Before being allowed to fly a large model at one of the LMA’s main events where the public is admitted, pilots will have had to pass the LMA Proficiency Scheme Full Proficiency Test.