General Modelling sites

Mobile Hobbies: R/C Planes
This site was provided by Ryan Byrk from New York as part of an assignment he has been given to do in class on special “Hobbies & Crafts” it is a useful link for anyone thinking of starting up in this hobby.
bmfa British Model Flying Association
The site provides a lot of links to model clubs around the UK and many retailers.
SAAlogo Scottish Aeromodellers Association
The SAA exists as an Association of Scottish Aeromodelling Clubs and as such can provide a variety of services competitions and knowledge base for the convenience of members
caa The Civil Aviation Authority
The Civil Aviation Authority control the regulation of all flying in the UK. They include on their web site a set of publications. Of particular interest is CAP658 which covers procedures for operating model aircraft. This link provides a copy of this important document. A recommended read for everyone.
European Model Flying Union
The EMFU is a union of the model aircraft flying associations in Europe. Formed in October 2016 to give a combined voice of model flyers to EASA and other European agencies.
Fly Electric
This site contains details of large electric powered aircraft. It also includes some information on methods of construction.
Gas Turbine Builders Association
A fascinating site showing the construction of model turbines and their development.
gbrcaa Great Britain Aerobatic Association
This site contains information on forthcoming competitions and flight schedules.
imaa IMAA
The International Miniature Aircraft Association is a major modelling organisation. This is the site operated from the USA.
imaa-europe IMAA Europe
This French site contains details of the famous la Ferté Alais large model show.
Minnesotabig birds Minnesota Giant Scale RC
Another site dedicated to Giant Scale model aircraft, well worth having a look at some of the stuff our friends do over the pond.
rcbatteryclinic RC Battery Clinic
A site dedicated to providing information on battery technology.
RC Scale Builder Forum
You need to register to use this fourm. Once you have though it contains a wealth of practical information on many topics related to the design and building of scale aircraft models.
Bart Nopper’s construction of a DC-3
This site make a great tutorial in building a very quality scale model. The amount of effort that Bart has has invested in this model is incredible.
rcwarbirds RC Warbirds
Another American site with excellent information and pictures of large models.
Scale Aerobatics
This US site contains latest news in scale aerobatics and large models. Of particular interest are the video clips and the details on TOC.

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