Withernsea Fly-in 2004

With the usual permission of Ken Wootton the fly-in took place 1st – 3rd May. This is a popular early season event and this year saw the biggest gathering ever of LMA members.

This report is based on text and includes some pictures taken by Andrew Brown.

The weather forecast was poor, but that didn’t put off members coming to fly at this fantastic site on the east coast, near Hull. Luckily for us, the forecasters were wrong and it turned out to be a splendid weekend. Lots of flying was had by all. There were several new models and new members seen this year. Some of these are shown below.

As can be seen in this photograph the caravans were spread all the way down the field. A new model was a large fun-fly of Julie Bradshaw from Matlock, Nottinghamshire. This was flown countless times all over the weekend. The model is powered by a Thundertiger 2000 glow engine and Futaba radio. It flew well and kept us entertained.

Please click image to enlarge.

There were also quite a few full-size aircraft that popped-in to see the models flying. This provided us with another good distraction from the large variety of scale models on display.

Thinking of new scale models there were two that really stole the show. First there was the spectacular model of Dave Horton’s Focker Triplane. Dave is a real lover of the triplane and this one, at half scale, is a real masterpiece. You can look forward to it joining the list of featured models on this site. Here it is getting ready for its very first flight on the Saturday evening. The engine fired up first time, pre-flight checks and a range check were carried out and then it was ready for action.

It flew like a dream and Dave ‘glowed’ with joy afterwards. He is not always the quietest person around (!) and he told everyone how much he had enjoyed watching it fly. Unfortunately, the second flight on the Sunday evening resulted in some damage to the undercarriage and top wing when it nosed over on take-off.

The main organiser of the fly-in was, of course, Ian Turney-White. He has a couple of rather nice models himself!

The second model that attracted lots of attention was Glen Master’s 20% scale F7F Tigercat. This was built from a glass composite 3W kit and powered by 60cc engines. He had Robert retracts which had been produced to match the kit. It weighs 59lb.

Here is Glen giving some scale to the model. Glen is working with Flair (the 3W distributors) and has a range of spares and accessories for 3W engines. He is obviously a fan of them himself.

To complete this review and a sample of the models on show, here is a nice 20% scale Mustang on take -off.

If you missed this event it really is a friendly meeting and well worth making the effort to go to next year.

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